Thursday, October 21, 2010

Home repairs

So, Josh decided to rip off the mantel and fix the fireplace this year, that big white slab under the window is the marble for the hearth. He took out the fireplace insert and drywalled the interior space to give it more insulation. Now as I'm typing this, my fingers aren't frozen!

it's now back together and you'd never know it was taken apart.

This week, he had the oportunity to replace the sewer grinder in the basement which stopped working. I noticed a problem when the basement toilet started spitting at me, it got grossness all over. Then when Josh took apart part of the pipe, the pressure made it spray all over him and the area he was working in. Several hours and a lot of bleach later, and it too, is put back together.


Joanna said...

oh sounds like no fun!

Catherine said...

Isn't it so nice to have handy husbands?