Monday, March 22, 2010

Ta Da! the bathroom is done

finally, pictures.

I'm not crazy about the blinds. I think white would be better, what do you think?


Sara said...

Wow!! What a gorgeous bathroom!

Tristan said...

Looks great! I agree, white would look better. But it is a very pretty bathroom!

AndSuchAs said...

Fantastic. I want your tub.

Dawn said...

wow. good job. You should be a before picture

Jacqueline said...

I love it!!! I think it is very gorgeous!!!!

Sommer said...

Oh I love it, so tastefully done! Though I wouldn't expect anything less coming from you.

Eric and Hilary said...

Holy crap Lenae! Your bathroom looks GORGEOUS! I love it!

The Pierce Family said...

It looks absolutely gorgeous! I meant to ask you to see it when I was over on Saturday but all that food distracted me.